Friday 16 January 2009

The first step to permanent weight loss

As ever at this time of year the major players in the diet world have probably enjoyed a boom despite the economic downturn. Bookstores will have had a rush for the new hyped up diet that will finally work where the others have failed. Fitness DVD's have sold by the truckload, membership at gyms will have soared and you will have noticed the usual peak of people in pounding the walkways in the parks and streets as they fight to lose those pounds that they've finally decided to get rid of.

To those that are still working at their weight loss you deserve a huge pat on the back for getting yourself this far. To be continuing at this point in January (assuming you started on Jan 1st) you are really on the right back. However you've probably noticed that it's a little easier to get on the piece of equipment you want at the gym. There aren't so many people pounding the street and maybe that diet book is asking a little too much.

If you've noticed that as you look around or I've described you don't worry - something can be done about it.

If you're desperate to lose weight and really want to be a successful long term dieter, you need to understand what you're really up against.

And it might not be what you think.

Everyone's assumption is that diet success is down to two things - food and exercise. The usual thinking is that exercise is your big weapon and your enemy is food - either too much of it or the wrong kind and probably too much of it.

Yes they play a part, but your real enemy to losing those pounds permanently is something that is with you every step of the way and is probably chipping away at you.

It's your mind!

You see every single thing you do, first takes place in your mind. I mean everything. Even at the start of the day when the alarm clock goes off, your mind decides whether you get up or not (keep this sentence in mind for another post). Your arms move because your mind tells them to. When you speak the words have first been decided in your mind.

Your mind is dominant in your life because it tells you what to think, do and how to feel every single second. That extends to your weight loss. It influences what you put in your mouth, what you pass on, when you eat, the point at which you say stop, whether you go to the gym or whether you hit the couch and search of the remote and potato chips.

It's important you know this and think about it for a while because once you know it and understand it, it can really set you free. You can achieve permanent weight loss. Those pounds can be gone and you'll feel great.

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