Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

Firstly can I wish you all a very Happy New Year. I hope everything you hope for this year comes to you and that it's everything you imagined it would be.

I know for pretty much all of you that losing weight is high on your list of wishes for the New Year. Well I've got so much to add and it's all great stuff so please do come back or subscribe so that I can keep you updated to when I add something new.

Today I'm going to go right back to the basics. There's a bit of science but hopefully it won't be too boring. Once you understand this principle everything about why you do what you do (especially around your diet) should make more sense.

Everything we do, walk, sleep, eat, lift right arm, lift left arm, turn head - it's all controlled by our brains. Absolutely everything. Our brains are made up of a massive network of connections that fire electrical messages to carry out those instructions.

Not only does our brain control our body movements, it controls our reactions and responses. Our thoughts and our responses are made up of those same messages going along the same connections.

The connections tend to be different thicknesses. The thick ones are our most popular habits. The ones we've built up over a lifetime. the thin ones are the reactions we don't have so often. As you can imagine the thicker connections have more powerful impulses travelling along them. It's these messages that become our everyday habits. The things we do without seeming to think about them.

Your eating habits are those you've built up over years. They travel along those really thick connections. They go along the freeways that are in your brain. They don't travel down your little alleys. They are virtually automatic responses.

That's why diets are so difficult to stick to over the long term. You're taking on your long term habits.

Now the really good news is you can change the route your thoughts take. The even better news is that the more your thoughts take that new route, the thicker the connection becomes and the old way starts to shrink.

What I'm saying is this. You can change - your mind will let you. You can win this battle and you can get your good habits to a point where they are dominant. your brain can be reprogrammed for success.

That's what we're here to do.

More soon.

Here's to your long term weight loss success!!