Saturday 9 February 2008

Do You Know What Diet Success Looks Like? - Part One

Sounds like a strange question doesn't it?

But actually its the key question you should be asking yourself. If you're really truly beyond all doubt serious about achieving success in your weight loss program you need to ask yourself this question.


There are several reasons but one of the key reasons is that you have to have a very clear picture in your head about what your achieved goal looks like. I once remember reading about someone successful in another aspect of their life but the quote that summed it up for me was when they said:

"Do you know what done looks like?"

Basically what they're saying is how will you know when you've arrived at your destination.

A lot of people go into a weight loss program with big hopes, but the image is very faint. They're not 100% clear on how they will know if they've achieved goal. A good goal is one where you are absolutely crystal clear on what your definition of success looks like.

So whilst you might feel it's not dieting and it's not exercise, please spend some time imagining and thinking about what done looks like. It might take you a bit of time but it could really rev up your diet success for the long haul

Friday 8 February 2008

Diet hit a Bump in the Road? Don’t Worry!

If like many, you started a diet in the last month or so, chances are you might be finding it a little tough going. In fact many have abandoned their diet plans altogether by now and have possibly decided that the diet is no good or worse still that they themselves are just worthless and no good when it comes to dieting. If that’s you read on because it may be that you just need to change your point of view slightly and look one of the ‘secrets’ professional sports men and women use.

Going on a diet is a big change for any person who has, over the years gained weight. That weight gain is the result of many years of habits. What many people who then decide to go on a diet tend to underestimate is the size of the task in front of them. It’s a big change so it’s important to understand some of the fundamentals of success. Food is only one part of it.

The thing any one looking for permanent weight loss needs to understand is the thing that all people who are successful in any walk of life understand.

You’re not constantly successful.

Success is a journey marked with both ups and downs. It’s only when you look at it from the outside that it appears to be an endless success. What professional sports people do is they don’t let the down parts overwhelm them. They keep on getting up no matter how many times they seem to slip up or get knocked down.

Think of it like a game of golf. 18 holes, all riddled with traps and challenges along the way. Sometimes golfers bypass the traps but sometimes they fall into them. Even when they are in them, they have to play their way out of it. Eventually golfers get round the course. Golf is easy when you’re missing the traps. What seperates the good from the great is what golfers do when they hit a set back. How do they recover from it. Players like Tiger Woods simply get back into the game of golf.

It’s not just golf though. Every successful professional sports career is defined by how well they handle and recover from the inevitable setbacks that will occur. Long term diet success is no different.

And here’s the ‘secret’.

How you deal with the setback is not about your game or your diet. It’s about your mind and how you deal with it and you need to learn this if you want to keep the weight off over a long period. It’s vital that you bring your mind to the present to focus on getting away from the problem as opposed to falling into the kind of negative self talk that calls you a loser all because of a hiccup.

Does a golfer stand in a sand trap holding their head in their hands talking about how awful a golfer they are? No they don’t. They look at the problem and work out how they can get out of the problem. Then they pick the club and work their way out of the problem.

Take this approach with your diet. If you fall off the diet wagon and either by eating wrong or by gaining weight first stop beating yourself up – you won’t change anything for the good. Second start telling yourself you can do this and get yourself back into your diet.

It sounds simplistic but the more times you take this approach the more success you will enjoy over the long haul. Eventually you will start to break the hold your habits have over you and you will strengthen your resolve to be a long term success