Saturday 17 November 2007

Do You Really Want to Lose Weight?

Have you thought about any New Year resolutions yet? As it's only November, probably not. If I ask you do you normally put "go on a diet" somewhere in your list of New Year resolutions - would the answer be yes?

If the answer is yes, do you decide to start a diet on January 1st pretty much each year? How many times have you started the diet only to fall into the old routines?

The reason I'm asking all these questions is because I reckon you're part of a very large group of people who experience the same problem in their efforts to lose weight. I believe so many people want to lose weight but they struggle to really get going. They struggle to make lasting changes that come from staying on a diet.

It's not as straightforward as people might think. Many people who go on a diet and fail, can't always see exactly why they went wrong. On the flip side, people who go on a diet and succeed can't always say exactly why this time worked when other efforts have failed.

If you have tried diets to lose weight before and have failed I may be able to help. Why? Because I think I know what's missing from so many of you who really want to lose weight forever.

It's this - Is Your Head in the Right Place?

To me, most diets have a book telling what food to eat and what food not to eat and when to eat or not eat. There's a chapter missing though from virtually every diet book. To me, that missing chapter should be the first chapter in every single diet book and course anywhere on earth.

That chapter is about your mind. Without your mind being ready to get into a diet, stay there and keep you motivated you run the risk of failing. Think about it. You've spent so many years engaging in one set of behaviors that they've become a habit. To try and change them on New Years Day can be setting yourself up for failure. Going on a diet at any point can be a big change, never mind jumping in on Jan 1st.

Very simply, your brain controls everything (and I do mean everything) in your life. From putting one foot in front of the other to controlling the emotions that run through your day.

To succeed at losing weight by dieting, whether at New Year or any other time, your mind needs to be set up to succeed.


This site exists for one simple reason. To get your head where it needs to be to succeed with any diet you choose to follow.

I recently spoke with someone who wanted to lose weight a few years back. Having gone on a diet, my very good friend went on to lose all the weight she planned and has succeeded in keeping it off. She hasn't starved herself and still goes in for some of the food she really loves. But that isn't the important part. The important part is what she told me about why this time was different from other efforts that she had made.

What she said was This time her head was in the right place

This site will exist solely to get your head where you really need it to give you the best possible chance for successful, permanent weight loss.

In recent years, scientists have a better understanding of the brain and how it works. Recently techniques have been discovered that have meant virtually anyone can change their behaviors by changing how they think. Through this they can achieve lasting changes in their thoughts. Better still - it's not rocket science. I've included some links to other sites about those techniques in the links section.

I'm also going to keep posting here to show you other things you can use every day to ensure maximum success. So please keep coming back and if you like what you see, tell your friends about the site.

Here's to your diet success

Ed Thomas.

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