Saturday 5 January 2008

How are you doing?

I've deliberately left it a few days following New Year before posting again. The reason is I wanted you to see how you felt and behaved once the initial excitement about your new diet had flagged just a little bit. I wanted you to see if you would revert back to any old habits that you promised you wouldn't.

Several things here. If you haven't then very well done indeed. Many people get into diets because they are focussed on New Year. They're not focussed on the diet. So once new Year has come and gone, all the trappings surrounding it are gone to so they're left only with the diet.

If you have reverted back to old ways to various degrees my advice is don't worry. This happens to all dieters at some point - even the successful ones over a longer term. You just have to recognise it as a blip and put yourself back on track. It's not failure and nor should you see it as that. So you got knocked down by it - just get back up and go again. But do it soon - very soon.

In my next post I'm going to start explining what you should be focussing on and how you can do. There will be more on Vision boards and other tools you can use to help you.

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