Tuesday 20 November 2007

Why Do I Keep Saying....

That I'm going to talk more about this or that in future posts?

There are actually several reasons for it.

Firstly some of the things I'm writing about I could go on a lot more about. Trouble is I would get writers cramp and you would have so much to read you would get a headache if you hadn't got so bored beforehand.

I deliberately try to keep in short to try and give you just enough to think about.

Secondly some of this stuff is very new to some people. They don't see the role their brain plays in their everyday life so I need to introduce it at a speed people can cope with. Too much and they become overwhelmed. I don't want to overwhelm anyone. I want them to succeed at their weight loss program. Getting your mind right is a life turning event. Remember when you learned something new at school, it was introduced slowly so you could grasp bits before you moved on.

Thirdly I want you to just think about what I've told you. I want you to take time to digest what I'm saying.

Fourthly, some of what I'll be saying will seem like its being repeated and that's deliberate for this reason. Every person processes information slightly differently. Different people react to different things.

Take dogs for example. Some people smile when they see a dog because they see them as fluffy adorable pets. Some people hate dogs. Maybe they knew a smelly dog, maybe they got bitten badly once. Some people are totally indifferent to dogs because they've got no real previous life experiences involving dogs.

Well words are the same. Sometimes you can say something and the words you use cause the people to see them as just words. Sometimes however you can use different words to make exactly the same point and they really strike a chord with the reader. These words really cause a person to change because their meaning really reaches them inside in a way other words haven't.

Well that's what I'm trying to do.

You're here because you want to genuinely lose weight. Either you're starting again or you want to go on a diet for the first time and thought a New Year diet would be a good idea. I want to hit home in a big way with you that getting your head in the right place is possibly the most fundamental thing you can do do to ensure your success. The way I do that is by trying to write in a way that reaches as many of you as possible so that you can take on board what I have to say to help you on the road to success.

To your long lasting diet success.

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