Sunday 18 November 2007

Your Mind Will Work For You Or Against You

If you've looked at some of the previous posts you will have seen the comments on the fact that there is a constant chit chat going on in your mind.

Basically what is happening is your brain never switches off. Even when you're asleep it's processing thoughts.

This idea of the brain never switching off is very important for those looking to lose weight by going on a diet. Whether it's a diet started today or a diet for the New Year it's important.

The reason it's important because if your mind is always working - it is always

either working for you or against you!!!

Think about it. It has to be one or the other. It can't be indifferent. It just doesn't work that way. So the thoughts and the conversations it's having are either helping you to succeed or they are working to make sure you fail.

Once you think about this and acknowledge it the understanding can have far reaching consequences for your life and your diet success.

If you're still not sure how this works, let me explain a little further. Your opinion of everything, your moods, your emotions - they all come from your mind. If you're on a diet, your mood and emotions particularly dictate how well you stick to your diet. If they are positive you tend to follow your diet. If they are negative, you justify why your biting into the huge slice of cake that's going to set you back.

So if your mind is always working, it's always going to do one or the other. Mostly it does a mixture. Some is positive, some is negative.

What you really want is as much positive as possible because it will make permanent weight loss more likely.

The great news is its not an accident which way your thoughts go. You can have more influence over them than you think. In fact its possible to totally control what thoughts you have. If that's the case the you can control your mind to be constantly be working in your favor.

Now that's some seriously good news!

Here's to your long term diet success.

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