Sunday 18 November 2007

You Are Always Making Choices

Here's something that so many people don't seem to realise but has a massive effect on our lives. If you're dieting or just trying to lose weight through other means you absolutely need to be aware of this thing.


Everything you do is a choice. Your alarm goes off in the morning - do you get up or stay lying still? Do you go to work or stay at home? You do go to the fridge for food or not? Do you go for a walk / run or not?

Now some of you might be saying that you don't have a choice to go to work -you simply have to go otherwise you'll get fired. Well Yes and No. Of course if you don't go, you may well get fired. Especially if you just ring your boss and tell them you've decided not to come come in today because you don't want to.

But if you get right down to, there is a choice. You can simply not walk out the door. True there are consequences that may work against you as a result of that decision. But ultimately that decision comes from choosing. You choose to go.

It's another one of those almost invisible things. Some choices we take a long time to make. Others happen so fast that we don't see them as a choice. But there is point, no matter how quick or small that our brain receives a message and it asks itself a question:

"Do I do this or do I not do this"

Why am I telling you this?

Because once you're aware of what your brain is doing almost unconsciously you become aware that you have more control over your brain and therefore your life. You're not as helpless as you believe.

So many people have failed at diets that they start either in the New Year or at any point because they blindly go to the fridge to grab more food or beer or because they ask for that extra side of fries. What they haven't realised is that they have made a choice. It's not a good choice, but its one they made.

Once you're aware of your mind making these choices, you start to notice them in action and they're not as invisible as you might have first thought. It's like buying a red Ford Mustang and noticing red Ford Mustangs seemingly everywhere. It's just that your mind has tuned into them.

I'm going to talk about this kind of thing more in future posts, but for right now have a think about how your mind makes choices. Think about things you do and what the other options could be. Don't censor them by saying "I couldn't possibly do that". Just acknowledge that there are other choices you could follow. Right now I just want you to become aware of this process in everything you do.

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