Monday 31 December 2007

It's New Years Eve - Do You Know Where You're Going?

Strange question I know.

A lot of people will be waking up today and will for the first time be thinking about New Year resolutions. Some will take a look at themselves in the mirror and decided they need to go on a diet. That will be the extent of their planning. They'll find a diet and come up with a number of some description about what they want to weigh or how much they want to lose.

I predict they are likely to fail over the longer term. That's quite sad becuase everyone who wants to lose weight for the right reasons should succeed. But they need to know how to succeed and having a plan is vital.

If you've woken up on New Years eve and given a diet some thought, my advice is not to go on the diet straight away if you've not planned your journey out. If you're thinking I've lost the plot, please just hear me out for a moment.

Would you rather start your diet on January 1st, pursue it relentlessly for a month or so and then fall off the wagon at the end? Or would you rather take a slightly slower start, plan exactly where you're going and keep succeeding while those around you are struggling and keep asking you what your secret is?

Now to me, the second one makes more sense.

What I'm suggesting is that you need to know what success looks like to you. You need to have a very clear picture in your head about what success in your diet will do for you, what it will mean for you and so on. The reason being is that you're going to take yourself, your body and your life in a very different direction to where it's been going over the last few years.

One of the things you therefore need to have is a clear picture of your new destination. This will help you to keep on track. It's not the only thing but it's a great start.

As I've suggested, dieting is a big change to your life. The food is one part of it. The tools and techniques to maintain it over the longer haul are the other key part but which too often get overlooked. They need working on to develop them. It's these things that help you when you're struggling. By learning them and developing them they'll help you over the long haul because they'll keep your head in the right place.

The diet industry is just beginning to acknowledge this fact. Get in on the new trend in dieting now. Keep coming back to this site because it's dedicated to your long term success by giving you what you need to get your head in the right place.

Better still sign up so I can keep you updated.

Here's to your long term weight loss success

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