Thursday 24 January 2008

Are You Ready For Success?

Let's get to the nitty gritty shall we?

It's about this time when many people who have gone on a diet at New Year really start to fall by the wayside. In fact many have just flat out quit the idea of dieting and have beaten themselves up. They've probably told themselves all kinds of things.

It's just the way it is. Many experts will tell you that starting on a diet in the New Year is a bad thing anyway. I can see how it would be real tough to maintain which is why I tried to get people started before New Year.

Now is a good time to have a rethink. The hype around New Year diets is out of the way and everything has calmed down a bit so we can start to focus on the real issue of diet success.

As I've said before pretty much any diet that has a sound scientific basis can succeed. Notice I said can succeed, not will. It's a very important distinction. The reason why diets succeed over the long term is because the dieter has taken control over their mind and their thoughts and is focussed solely on success.

Have a think for a minute. Two seperate people on the same diet in different places. One keeps the weight off whilst the other abandons it after a while and complains it doesn't work. Is it the diet that doesn't work? Well that would be difficult given that one has succeeded at the diet.

So if it's not the diet that's wrong, there must be something else going on. Usually there is. What's usually at issue is how well their mind focusses on success and keeps them motivated. It's the vital ingredient.

If you want diet success you must harness the power of your mind to get you on and keep you on track. Make this part of your diet and you will increase your chances of success hugely.

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