Thursday 24 January 2008

Don't Just Take My Word For It

It's very easy to look at this website and wonder what it's got to do with success in achieving permanent weight loss. It's easy for the reader to look at it and wonder if what I'm saying really has any truth in it.

If you're asking that question that's a good thing. It's important that you check what you're being told to make sure it stacks up.

So I thought I should give you a bit of background to who else is harnessing the power of the mind to maximum effect. I think once you understand who is using it and why, you will see the role it can play in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.

I first saw it in action some years ago watching the winter Olympics. The bobsleigh event was on TV and the camera and commentary focused on one team who hadn't yet started. There was a guy with his eye's closed outside of his bob, making all kinds of twists and turns with his body and his hands and arms held up near his face. No one from the TV knew what he was doing.

They interviewed him later and asked what all that was about. He told them he was playing the whole run out in his head, including every twist and turn. More to the point he was seeing in this "film" he was running with everything running perfectly.

Flip forward a few years and I came across the work of Denis Waitley who was the Chairman of Psychology for US Olympic Committee Sports Medicine Council. He talked a lot about how they had taken the visualization work that NASA had used as part of the space programme and brought it into the sports arena. They worked with US athletes round the clock on the role of the mind in their success.

It's now common practice amongst all athletes to focus on what they are about to do before they do. And more importantly seeing it all go just how they want it to go. Watch the finals of any major sprint event on the TV and you'll see it in action. The great athletes at the start are absolutely somewhere else. Not looking right or left. They are absolutely still, sometimes with their eyes closed. What they're doing in their head is winning the race. But they are doing it to a level of detail you wouldn't believe. They are seeing a perfect start, feeling the muscles push off. They are feeling and seeing their arms and legs move perfectly. They are seeing their breathing absolutely perfect.

Now I'm not saying you have to see it to that detail. Bear in mind that finals of major events are won in gaps of 100ths of seconds so they need to see it to that level. What I'm showing you is that people at the top of their game use their mind to devastating effect.

Legendary sprinter Michael Johnson wrote a book about his success. It's an absolutely fantastic book called Slaying the Dragon. Although it's a bit of autobiography the most dominant theme through it is how he harnessed his mind for success.

I've seen dieters from all walks of life. I know of successful ones and I know unsuccessful dieters. What seemed to be the difference was to what extent they used their mind. That's why I created this page, to help you get to where you need to be in your head.

Come back for more as I'm about to show you one of the first lessons that all the greats use in all walks of life.

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